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Scan your Twitter Account for Suspicious Tweets and Friends

Twitter which is one of the famous social networking sites, have also been exposed to the world of malicious attacks and if you are kind of a person who follows anyone then you have a bright chance of being attacked.

You can either follow your buddies or the person you know or you can follow anyone who follows you, but in this way you are prone to follow some spammer or attacker too. Consider a situation in which you have followed some suspicious user, then if he shares some malicious link with you, you won’t know, beforehand, that if the link will redirect you to some malicious website or not.
I recently came across this online web service from Bitdefender called Safego which can scan your twitter account for suspicious users added in your list and also for the malicious tweets by them. The service is launched by Bitdefender which is also one of the famous scanners available online.

To be able to use this service you just need to login to Safego with your Twitter credentials (you can trust Safego for this) and rest it will take care. It will scan and display the report of the malicious users added in your profile and will also let you know what all tweets are safe to click and what not.

Moreover the service will also notify you for any future malicious tweet by the suspicious users. By default, it won’t scan your private messages but if you want, that can also be done. [via]

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